Today is the creamy apricot color eye makeup

Today is the creamy apricot color eye makeup

It is still the morphe 35om disk, this plate is really similar in color but can play a lot of tricks, actually can draw such a gentle color!

Tutorial in the fourth picture

morphe 35m
cheap morphe 35m

morphe 35m
cheap morphe 35m

morphe 35m
cheap morphe 35m

morphe 35m
cheap morphe 35m

morphe 35m
cheap morphe 35m

morphe 35m
cheap morphe 35m

1, choose a warm powder color base, painted the entire eyelid

2, light warm orange brown, it is difficult to describe this color! The range shown in the upper eyelid chart ~ and the lower eyelid

3, the third color used is a gray gray color, and the 4th color is superimposed and painted at the end of the eye ~ repeated smudges a few times until even!

4, and then use the 4th color to stick to the lower eyelid lash root painting to deepen the outline!

5, use the eyeliner brush to select 5 this dark grayish brown, fill the gap of the upper eyelashes

6, the final overall smudge is complete! No need to draw eyeliner, very very natural and fresh eye makeup!

Finally, remind everyone that all colors should not be too heavy! This time, the creamy apricot color eye makeup is a very light eye makeup.


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